Thursday, April 02, 2009


I'm spending a lot of time lately going through old IEP/IFSP paperwork (the goals set by myself, George's teachers & therapists, and the school district), preparing for next year. I came across one from about a year and a half ago. George's Autism therapist gave us all kinds of exercises to do that would help strengthen his hand muscles.

To work on his fine motor skills.

To teach him how to use scissors.

Confetti making

I think he's got that skill down pat. Luckily his gross motor skills are doing great, he can help me run the vacuum this afternoon.

Find out more information about Autism and ways to support the amazing Autistic members of your community. April is Autism Awareness month, and today is World Autism Awareness Day. Here are some sites and blogs where you can get information:

Autism Society of Oregon
Teen Autism
Spectrum Siblings


CC said...

Hurray for mastering some great skills! Now just keep the important papers away from those scissors!

Tanya @ Teenautism said...

That's the best use of an old IEP I've ever seen! And thanks for the link; I've got one up for you as well. :)