Thursday, September 10, 2009

There goes my baby!

I'm basically a blubbering idiot right now, so I'll show you the morning in pictures:
My Kindergartner:


My ridiculous children:


Walking into school (where he was greeted, by name, by the principal and receptionist - man, I love this school):


Cheesy smile with a friend from preschool:


Going into his classroom without ME, WAHHHHHH!!!


Like Emma yesterday, he was completely calm this morning. Accepted all the new bits of routine without question or fuss. Told daddy on the phone all about his teachers and cubby. When we got to his classroom, we had to wait for several other kids to find their name tag before he could find his and go in. He waited patiently, no complaining, and then stepped up, grabbed his tag, and walked on in. No hug, barely a "bye, Mom", like he'd been going to Kindergarten all his life.

Excuse me, I have to go hold his blankie and cry for a bit....


Anonymous said...

What a superstar! Both of them are so grown up, it just amazes me! My middle one is 4 today. FOUR! When did that happen?

webchyck said...

All they do is leave...get used to it! But it's a good leave...I promise!

Karen Bowers said...

what a wonderful wonderful step, meg. feeling misty for you, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah George! Way to go kidlet! Sue in keizer

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