Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So we went for a nice drive in the country. Taking the Jeep out for a battery charging cruise. Emma and I shouting out every animal we see, George resting/zoning in his seat (he loves car rides, finds them very calming).

Until about 35 minutes in, past halfway.

When George threw up all over himself.

Yeah, that resting/zoning thing? Not so much resting as it was really not feeling well. Guess who wins Mom of the year this year?

He's been laying on the couch ever since we got home three hours ago. Fever hovering around 99-100 degrees, not too bad, but now he's starting to push on his ear. Hello ear infection, how are you?!

So tonight, I have to try to force Motrin into him. Then change my clothes after he spits it all back out on me. (Not in defiance, just a lovely sensory thing. We have NEVER been able to get him to swallow medicine voluntarily. And yet? We keep trying. Maybe someday he'll understand that it will help him feel better. And then? The money fairy will fly in the window with my million dollars.)

And tomorrow, we return to the doctor's office, so he can get a shot of Amoxicillin. He LOVES shots.

I'm just about ready to move us all to a deserted island somewhere, anyone know of one that comes fully furnished? And maybe has a Target just a short rowboat trip away?


sharyncarlson said...

Poor little guy :( Hope he's feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Meg ... I honestly want to give you a HUGE HUGE ... it is well-deserved. Hang in there ... and just scream into a pillow like I do sometimes. ;)

Anonymous said...

I meant HUGE HUG without the 'e' ... I keep mis-spelling EVERYTHING! Where's my pillow?

Beverly said...

poor fella, hope he is feeling better. Be sure to blog when the money fairy flies in ;)

Karen Bowers said...

aw, i'm sorry, meg. just stinks for both of you. jeremy had the worst time learning to swallow meds; interestingly he could swallow pills easily with a sippy cup or a straw.

i hope the worst of the night is behind you.

Beth said...

I'll repeat you, GAAAAHHHHHH! Sounds like an awful moment. Hope it's better tomorrow OR when you find that island, let me know!!

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Speedy get well wishes!

Anonymous said...

hey you, don't be so hard on yourself. if you could know when kidlets are going to get sick then you would have already picked the winning lottery numbers and bought your island ! I remember when my sons were little(34/38) I spent more time in the doc's office than not,ear ache after ear ache. I know how exhausting it is. Just hang in there and remember to breathe! There is no such thing as a "super mom" just those that want you to believe there is! Sue & Butch

loonyhiker said...

Poor George! Don't feel bad about the medicine though. I can't get Don to swallow pills either and he has to chew them up in order to swallow them (including aspirin)!