Thursday, December 31, 2009
Looking Back (12 months of photos)
It was a hard year, but in so many ways, a very good year.
We enjoyed one of our favorite beach spots
George learned to sit (fairly) still at the barbershop like a big boy
Emma was having a rough school year, but growing so much as a person
Thomas Live caused George to nearly explode with joy
Emma turned eight
The kids went on their first train ride
More trips to the beach
Went to RideAble for the first time
Spring (and bug hunting season) began
But we survived
We went on vacation (and caught more critters)
Enjoyed the beginnings of Summer, and learned how to slow down and enjoy each other
A family reunion for the 4th of July, so much fun!
Pieces of home, far away
George turned six
Met up with virtual friends in California
George's first time at the County Fair (something we look forward to all year)
Kindergarten & Third Grade, both my babies in the same school
Getting used to early mornings again
Our first sports experience...Hockey!
Rainy days
Halloween fun
Missing Daddy
Spending time (in the cold) at the farm
A special surprise for the kiddos
It was VERY cold
Lego smiles and Transformer jazz hands, a perfect Christmas morning!
Thank you for joining our family throughout 2009, we're looking forward to a wonderful 2010!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Sodier's Christmas Letter Home
...I called home via video and saw my kids with the new gifts that Santa had brought and how excited they were. Emma was so anxious to start building her her Lego set and George was busy being a Transformer in his new Thomas the Train PJ' should see the pictures...they show such happiness. I step outside to let my eyes dry out a little bit and as I walk around my living area I hear Soldiers laughing, chillin' to music through their doors and several outside exchanging their own Christmas traditions with each other. I am so privileged to be amongst such great people. Whether they know it or not, they motivate me in so many ways. Then I realized, we aren't getting shot at, or rocketed. Convoys are at a minimum and those I did see throughout the day had garland straps on the most massive up armored vehicles you have seen. I saw Soldiers in full battle gear today laughing with full combat ammunition lads walking to their convoys wearing Santa hats. I watched my kids bounce up and down with joys at the sight of their new gifts. My family is safe, the sky is clear and the night is quiet with no one asking for an award of any caliber... all is calm.
For all of this I am thankful. I have the most supportive and loving family and am surrounded by some of the most amazing people who are willing to give everything and ask for nothing. There are no perfect awards nor are there the most perfect people, but there are ones you love and trust. I am a lucky man to have what I have and only hope others can have a part of what I have. My Christmas was awesome and I wish you and yours a very Special Christmas and a safe and happy new year. My gift you ask...easy...I'm thankful for what I have.

Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Peace of Christmas
I had feared the second separation from Jason would be harder than the first, but it seems I was wrong. It was heart wrenching, for sure, as George understood the implications of Daddy saying good-bye in a way he hadn't previously. But, by understanding, he was able to deal with it more quickly and move on. Emma sent Daddy on his way with a smile and a wonderful, funny letter about the proper way to catch desert lizards. They both talk about Daddy often, and the Daddy Dolls have participated in many adventures this week; but now they see that, though he goes away for long amounts of time, he does return. And the peace we've experienced this week shows me that our temporary family of three has returned to the comfortable routines we established during the previous six months. We can do this.
Happy Holidays from our family to all of you.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Morning, Round One
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Yesterday, the woman who runs Rideable called and confirmed my fears that all classes had been cancelled for the week. But then she said, "but if you want to, bring the kids anyway." She went on to say that she knew Emma really misses the animals when we can't go out there, and that George would have fun just running around in the pasture and stomping all the ice-covered puddles in the paddock. She knows my kids, and loves them, loves seeing them enjoy the farm. There was no therapy, no purpose to the visit, other than a chance to be there.
Our family has come into contact with so many great people and organizations over the last couple of years. I know a lot of people struggle in their journey with Autism and other special needs. Perhaps we've been lucky, or perhaps this town is filled with an unusual number of exceptional teachers, therapists, parents, and friends. Whatever it is, I'm so glad to be surrounded by their knowledge and support, and I hope I'm able to provide the same when needed. Happy Love Thursday.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Choosing a Tree
I could even sit back once we got it home, and let someone else wrangle the tree lights! It's so hard for kids to wait through that part of the process, and thinking about how I'd get it done without losing my patience with their "helping" was raising my blood pressure.
The kids did all the decorating themselves, with just a bit of help for the higher branches. This was the first year George took an active part. Previously, he would load one branch with about a dozen ornaments and then spend the rest of the time spinning through the house.
And best of all, the tradition that Emma was most worried about? Placing the star. Daddy always lifts her up to put it on when everything else is done. I could have lifted her (though not as easily) and we would have gotten the star placed, but I'm not Daddy. But this guy is, and they got it done.
We won't have him here for Christmas, but sometimes? It's not the presents and new pajamas and cinnamon rolls that make the season memorable. It's the traditions, the support, the laughter, the love, and the beauty.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
My Current Favorite Photo
It's not the best photo I've ever taken. But it's definitely the one that makes me smile the most. Why? Because it was taken last night, after we were able to "go to the airport, pick Daddy up, okay Mommy?"
Happy Love Thursday to all of your families! Ours will be intact for two weeks, we plan on making the most of that time.