Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sweet Music


Sweet Music - Via an amazing gift from Grandma Sharon & Papa Ray.I am so grateful to our Beverly family. Two incredible grandparents that gave us their piano. One musician brother-in-law who is always available with advice on how to encourage Emma’s natural ability without pushing too hard. Now, beautiful music drifts upstairs to me every day.


Emma shares Jason's ability to "play by ear"; after hearing a song, she can reproduce it fairly quickly on a keyboard or piano. She also composes amazingly complicated songs, using both hands properly with chords or other harmony in the bass clef. She astounds me with her skill and I love that she chooses to play music almost daily. Adam, my brother-in-law, has advised us to let her explore on her own without lessons for now. She is the type (profectionist, hard on herself) that could easily shut down and give up if she feels she's not playing correctly. My opinion: if she's making music that pleases her, she's doing it correctly! And I reap the lovely benefits!


Anonymous said...

How astounding Emma's gift is! I can't imagine HOW someone does that ... and a perfect, wonderful gift!
Hey, can I ask where you got the wonderful sheet music, is it 'real' or digital? I have been looking for some, but can't find any ....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the quick reply .... I should have known it was Meryl's work! Also, I did find some music sheets at a shop near me, but it just doesn't .... do what I want (make sense?) When I saw what you had used, well, I loved it!

Beth said...

How sweet! I've been teaching kids the piano this summer and it's amazing how quickly they pick things up AND how eager they are to learn it!