Saturday, September 15, 2007

My Quirky Kid

A very interesting article in Newsweek this week, check it out: You And Your Quirky Kid. Good debate about what is truly "normal", how difficult it is to diagnose exact placement on the Autism spectrum, and how wonderful these "quirky" kids really are.

We love both of our quirky kids. One on the spectrum and one not, but both unique, crazy, silly, frustrating, happy, and lovable.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!

loonyhiker said...

Thanks so much for sharing! I couldn't wait to pass that on to all my friends who teach autistic children!

Anonymous said...

I was JUST reading that article and I loved the reassurance it gave me that my quirky kids don't need to fit the norm. Great article! Reminds me to love them, quirks and all as that is what makes them my sweeties!

Unknown said...

Loved the article. Thanks for directing us to it. And if you have time I tagged you with a meme here:

Pam said...

Thanks for the link to that article Meg, it was really interesting!