Thursday, November 22, 2007

So Thankful...

...for a fabulous husband, who is the greatest, most funnest dad ever;

...for the biggest cat I've ever seen, who mended the biggest heart I've ever known (introducing Armory, our cat we've had for the past month)

...for my little boy, who is exploding with new skills;

...for a job I love, that keeps me sane;

...for a home, full of memories and close to lots of extended family;

...for my wild and crazy family, full of love and laughter, just what I always wanted in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sharon said...

A new kitty!! Hope you and your family had a wonderful day :)

Tina @ Sugar Bean Bakers said...

yay for kitty! Hes so pretty! Great post Meg! You have lots to be thankful for!